Pupitre Champagne Riddling Rack St Leban Épernay 120 bottles

Reservationsbeløb: ved afhentning: 300,- / ved levering: 600,- / Udenfor Stor KBH: 1000,-

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Dimensions: H151, W72, D12 cm

Pupitre champagne refers to the racks or frames that are used to hold champagne bottles during the riddling process.

During this process, the bottles are placed in the pupitres at a 45-degree angle with the neck down, and they are gradually rotated over a period of weeks to allow the lees (sediment) in the champagne to settle in the neck of the bottle. The pupitres are then used to hold the bottles in a vertical position to allow for easy removal of the lees.

The use of pupitres is an integral part of the traditional method of champagne production, which involves a secondary fermentation in the bottle. This method produces complex, effervescent champagnes of the highest quality.

The use of wooden pupitres dates back to the 19th century when it was the primary material used for making these wine racks. Later on, metal and plastic pupitres were also introduced, especially in the 20th century.